Wisconsin and Illinois Aging in PlaceThe Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle Newspaper was established in 1921 and provides news, articles, editorials, and information for Milwaukee and Wisconsin’s Jewish community.  The Chronicle is distributed weekly to a readership of 12,000 readers.  Topics focus on issues facing the Jewish community with a family oriented feel, and a perspective and informative view on local, national, and international Jewish issues and topics.  Visit the Jewish Chronicle online.  The Chronicle also offers a free trial membership of 4 free issues – sign up for a free trail at:  http://www.jewishchronicle.org/subscribe/free_subscription.php
This information was provided by BILD – Bridgeway Independent Living Designs, LLC.  BILD serves Wisconsin and Illinois as a premier provider of custom remodeling, home elevators and lifts, and solutions for individuals to remain in their homes as they grow older.  Learn more about us online at www.bildnow.com