It is no secret to individuals struggling with MS that many challenges and trials come along with this disease.  We would like to talk about factors to consider in dealing with this challenging and difficult disease.  Listed below are resources and ways of improving quality of life and improving function for individuals with MS.
Energy conservation – One main principal for persons with Multiple Sclerosis is that of energy conservation.  The disease of MS is more prone than others to lead to periods of exhaustion and impaired endurance.  A good analogy that has been provided is that of having an “energy bank” that you begin each day with a certain quantity of energy in the bank.  If you use it all up in the morning (for example), by noontime you may be completely drained and out of energy; by spacing out activities and endurance it allows a greater amount of activity and quality of life.  Homes can be adapted to maximize your efficiency and energy conservation in the home. Careful design should translate into function for optimal efficiency with tasks such as bathing, cooking, moving groceries or other tasks in the home.
Safety First – a sprain, strain or break can be a huge setback for anyone.  For someone living with MS this can be awful and can amplify MS symptoms.  Keeping your home safe and preventing injuries pays off in the long run.  Little things that can make a big difference include: minimizing clutter, improving lighting in the home, using contrasting color tape at edges of steps for visual cues, adding grab bars for safety, using non-slip treads in the bathroom, and removing loose throw rugs that can be trip hazards.
Environmental modifications – individualized modifications can be customized and individualized to meet your individual needs in the home. BILD offers a unique collaboration of accessibility specialists who have backgrounds in physical and occupational therapy along with our designers, lift installers, elevator specialists, and contractors to provide effective and complete solutions that meet your individual needs.

Our products and services from our in-house craftsmen include:

Wheelchair lifts
Stair lifts
Walk in tubs
Barrier free bathrooms
Grab bar installations
Automated shelving and counters
Automatic door openers
Home elevators
Vehicle lifts
There is financial support available! – many people aren’t aware of the many financial resources available for persons with MS.  Visit our financial resource guide for organizations that assist with funding for home modifications.
For more information you can visit our site or call us for a free consultation at 262-671-2032.