When thinking of long term care insurance – people don’t always consider the benefit of your insurance may actually be available to keep you longer in your home. When asking for assistance sources for home modifications individuals can look at the option of carrying long term care insurance as a solution for home care and accessible adaptations as an alternative to assisted living, or nursing home care.
Milwaukee and Chicago Long Term Care Insurance for home modificationsThis makes sense for the individual as well as for payer sources as well as it is generally actually more cost effective to stay in your home rather than go to a facility. Currently in the Milwaukee market the average cost for private room nursing home care is on average $115,000/year (per Met Life cost review). Think of the cost of modifying your home to create a more safe and accessible environment, (which can be accomplished in a way that actually enhances the beauty of your home) and we can accomplish this for a fraction of the cost of a year’s nursing home (and that’s only average care). Looking from this perspective, you can’t afford not to adapt your home to be safe and accessible.
BILD offers individualized services to make adaptations and solutions that make sense for cost effective and beautiful solutions that work. We can work with your existing long term care insurance benefits to create modifications that make it easier and safer for you to stay in your home. Call us today for a free consultation at 262-671-2032 (WI) or 847-453-8866 (IL)