Rob Horkheimer, MPT, CEAC, CAPS, ECHM is one of the regions leading experts on the subject of accessible home modifications, and will be presenting courses in the Minesotta and Wisconsin areas this coming January and February of 2014. This day long course will focus on practical and important aspects of home modifications including: strategies for successful home evaluations and tools, successful strategies for home modifications and information on unique and helpful products for home adaptations. From basic home adaptations to more advanced and elaborate adaptations and accessible designs and solutions this course will be helpful in broadening your knowledge of accessibility for your patients and clients.

accessible home modificaiton CEU WI, MNJanuary 27, 2014 – St Cloud, MN

January 28, 2014 – Rochester, MN

January 29, 2014 – Minneapolis, MN

February 23, 2014 – Green Bay, WI
February 24, 2014 – Appleton, WI
February 25, 2014 – Madison, WI

If you’re interested in learning more about home modifications and earning professional CEU (continuing education units/credits) for physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, DME providers, builders, remodelers, and designers. This will be a great course with new ideas for accessible home modifications and adaptations.

If you’re intersted in expanding your knowledge on the topic of home modifications please register today.