There are always questions that pertain to temporary accessible solutions for friends or parents live in an apartment.  Another concern is condo owners that share walls or entry ways with other residences.  How can we help make a space more accessible that we don’t own.  Over the last decade or so there have been many strides in temporary accessibility solutions.
Bathrooms are always an issue in regards to safety.P-300 portable ceiling lift  In most condos one can do what they want within their own space, apartments are another issue.  Most apartment owners do not allow a full bathroom remodel and as a renter that’s usually financially impossible.  So what options exist that fulfill creating an accessible and safe environment in the most hazardous space in one’s home?  Option one; a tub cut out.  If one has a difficult stepping over the walls of the bathtub a tub cut out lowers the threshold that one has to navigate.  The tub cut out comes with or without doors.  The tub cut out with a door comes with a lifetime warranty on the seal and offers the accessibility of a shower or bath experience.  A tub cut out can be reversed with a simple tub liner after its use is no longer needed.    Along with the tub cut out one can install grab bars.  Grab bars come in a multitude of shapes, sizes and colors.  Once installed grab bars help ones confidence in maneuvering around the bathroom.  Grab bars also can be uninstalled and the areas can be patched.  Toilet commodes are another temporary option that helps one easy the stress of using the bathroom.  Other temporary solutions are tension mounted ceiling lifts.  These systems help caregivers and loved ones with transfers in the bathroom.  Tension mounted systems are completely temporary and non-invasive to the walls or building with no nails, bolts, or screws.  Portable ceiling lifts for the bedroom also provide a completely non-invasive method to provide assistance for safe transfers.  Learn more about these and other bathroom solutions by visiting the bildnow bathroom safety page.
Stairs and entryways also pose an issue in condos and apartments.  Let’s look at entryways and the ways that these barriers can be overcome.  Portable and modular ramps are usually the quickest and easiest solutions to entry way issues.  The height and slope of the entryway will usually determine on which style of ramp that can be used.  Either of these options should be discussed with the landlord before any decision can be made.  Also stair lifts are not permanent.  The Harmar stair lift that we use is installed to the stairs and can be installed or removed in a day.  Also if one lives on the second floor and there is not an elevator available our stair lift folds up to the industry smallest eleven inches to not block the entire stairs.  We also have a key lock option so the other tenants and owners cannot use it, unless they also can benefit from it.
Another great option for managing stairs for both rental tenants as individuals who need to manage multiple stairs, or travel for accessibility – is the Scalamobil – caregiver assisted stair climber.  This system allows individuals to be easily transported up and down up to 10” stairs with assistance of a single caregiver.  See below for a video demonstration on the Scalamobil system.  BILD offers the Scalamobil on a rental basis as well.
This article was written by Ed Still – Vice President of Sales and Marketing at BILD – Bridgeway Independent Living Designs, LLC.  BILD provides expert opinions and solutions for accessibility with extensively trained physical and occupational therapists who specialize in the field of accessibility.  Visit to learn more about solutions for accessibility.  In addition to these temporary solutions for accessibility – BILD offers custom ADA commercial and residential remodeling.
Scalamobil video

Other options for accessible rentals: