Are you considering building a new home, one that you can stay in for the rest of your days. As with most things, having a good plan in place and thinking through the details of your home can save a great deal of expense and cost later on. It is possible to create a beautiful and functional new space, and with principals of aging in place and universal design – it can be a safe and comfortable space that keeps you independent as long as possible.
Who is best qualified to assist in aging in place designs for the home?
5 years ago I went for my CAPS (certified aging in place specialist) certification. There was a mix and variety of different professionals there, mainly individuals from the trades/construction. The key point that was made over and over was the importance of connecting and working with an experienced physical or occupational therapist. The CAPS certification consisted of 3 days of education with 1 day for marketing, 1 day for business, and the last day was an overview of accessibility considerations. The work of a physical or occupational therapists consists of years of education and experience with how to help individuals function more independently and safely. Having an accessibility consultant who has a medical background as a therapist, and training in relation specifically to home modifications such as CAPS, CEAC, or ECHM (by University of Southern California), will provide a functional and medical perspective that greatly assists in determining an intelligent and customized plan for aging in place.
Aging in place consultants for Wisconsin and Illinois:
BILD has these experts with the above qualifications who will help to create a plan and assist you in designing a home that you can age in place in. There are many details such as placement of outlets, lighting needs, temperature moderation, visual cues, forgiving materials, grab bar and safety support placements, and other items which can have a huge influence in how to create a safe, beautiful and comfortable environment that supports your independent lifestyle.
Call us today to discuss how we can help: 262-671-2032 (WI) 847-453-8866 (IL)