Accessible Fiberglass Roll-in Shower Surrounds
The idea of having a roll-in shower surround rather than a threshold walk-in shower surround has become more commonly known and accepted. Roll-in showers can typically be constructed of either tile, complete fiberglass surrounds, or a combination of a roll-over fiberglass base and tile walls. Advantages of barrier tile surrounds include the flexibility of aesthetic options, and the truly flush/level entry to the shower that can be achieved with floor tiling. Fiberglass roll-in showers typically have a beveled edge that can be managed with a rolling shower chair, but is not perfectly flush with the flooring below. One of the most common concerns of having a roll-in shower is how to contain water in the shower to avoid slips in the bathroom and water damage. There are a number of important considerations when deciding whether to go with a roll-in fiberglass shower surround versus a tile surround.
Roll-in showers provide better bathroom accessibility
Walk-in showers with curbed entries do assist with containing water and providing an easier transition than a traditional bathtub to walk in and out of more independently, however, they still pose a barrier to use of a roll-in shower that can be managed by rolling in with a shower chair. Fiberglass roll-in showers provide also safer and easier access to walk into with a lowered transition height for individuals with mobility limitations.
Fiberglass surrounds require less maintenance than tile showers
Due to the smooth finish and absence of rough grout lines, fiberglass surrounds do not retain water as much as tile walls and floors and thus have less buildup of mold, mildew, bacteria and grime. For this reason they are easier to clean and maintain and lower maintenance overall than tile walled showers. This lower maintenance option helps to make life a little easier for individuals dealing with aging and disability.
Fiberglass surrounds are healthier for you
The decrease in mold and mildew with fiberglass surrounds provides less exposure to mold, mildew and bacteria. This is especially important to individuals who have health issues, respiratory issues, and are susceptible to bacterial infections, or mold sensitivities. This is an important health consideration for any individual and any family.
There are specialized roll-in shower surrounds that have integrated backing for grab bars
One of the problems with the great majority of standard walk in shower surrounds, is the fact that there is typically no backing in place for sturdiness of the shower surrounds, and to allow for solid anchoring of grab bars into the shower surround. The advantage of many of the manufactured roll-in shower surrounds is that most manufacturers provide integrated backing into the walls of the fiberglass. This allows for the ability to securely mount grab bars at individualized locations.
Fiberglass barrier free showers are quick to install
Having your home under construction is no fun, and one of the big advantages of a tub to shower conversion with a fiberglass surround is the decreased time that is required to install a fiberglass surround versus a tile shower. Due the fact that many steps, and dry times are eliminated with fiberglass versus traditional tile showers, it is much quicker to install a fiberglass roll-in shower surround. We typically take about 3 days from start to finish for a tub to roll-in shower conversion, which creates much less disruption for families, especially when remodeling is required for either the main, or only bathroom for the household.
Aesthetic customization can be completed with different finishes and colors
We are able to provide fiberglass surrounds with customized finishes and design options either throughout the entire shower, or with individual accent tiles. Another configuration that we complete with fiberglass surrounds is providing a fiberglass base, and tile walls, for those who want the aesthetics and customization with the look of tiled walls.
Want to learn more? Milwaukee based BILD provides full-service remodeling with in-house interior design, and national experts and educators on accessibility with years of experience as physical therapists. We also provide in-house interior design expertise as we work to provide environments that are safe and aesthetic. Contact us today!
Call: 262-671-2032